ATP Test


Lumitester Smart

Lumitester Smart

Lumitester Smart is a portable luminometer for ATP test. The ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) provides easy inspection for cleanliness levels by using LuciPac.

  • Lumitester Smart was co-developed by Kikkoman Biochemifa Company and OPTEX Co., Ltd. has won Germany's iF Design Award 2021, one of the world's three major design awards. By designing the operability of the device, the UI of the application, and the operational aspects, we are contributing to hygiene management around the world with an inspection tool that could be used by a variety of industries.

LuciPac A3 Surface:ATP Sanitation System (ATP test)

LuciPac A3 Surface

ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) is a test kit monitor suface hygiene. LuciPac A3 Surface detects ATP+ADP+AMP to verify surface cleanliness.

*The performance of the LuciPac A3 Surface has been validated and AOAC-RI PTM certification has been granted. 
→certification PDF file from here.

LuciPac A3 Surface (Pre-moistened)

LuciPac A3 Surface (Pre-Moistened)

Lucipac A3 Surface (Pre-moistened) is a ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) reagent that can detect not only ATP, but also ADP and AMP. A integrated test reagent that includes pre-moistened swab and reagent.

*The performance of the Lucipac A3 Pre-moistened has been validated and AOAC-RI PTM certification has been granted. 
→certification PDF file from here.

LuciPac A3 Water:ATP Sanitation System(ATP test)

LuciPac A3 Water

ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) is a hygiene monitoring test kit for water and liquid. LuciPac A3 Water detects ATP+ADP+AMP to verify cleanliness of water and liquid samples.

LuciPac ES:ATP Sanitation System(ATP test)

LuciSwab ES

LuciSwab ES is the sampling device (2.5m) which is exclusive use endoscope cleaning verification using LuciPac. LuciPac for ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) should be used with when taking measurements.