LuciPac A3 Surface (Pre-Moistened) 60367

  • ATP Test
LuciPac A3 Surface (Pre-moistened)

Lucipac A3 Surface (Pre-moistened) is a ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) reagent that can detect not only ATP, but also ADP and AMP. A integrated test reagent that includes pre-moistened swab and reagent.

*The performance of the Lucipac A3 Pre-moistened has been validated and AOAC-RI PTM certification has been granted. 
→certification PDF file from here.

  • Test swab is pre-moistened
  • Immediate use without wetting the test swab with tap water.
  • Great for verifying surface cleanliness

Description Pre-moisten sampling swab with releasing reagent and luminescent reagent
Quantity 100 swabs/kit (20 x 5 aluminum bags)
Storage 2-8 ℃ (Do not freeze)
Certification/ Regulation AOAC RI PTM Certification Acquired
  • Lumitester PD-20/PD-30/Smart are designed instruments for LuciPac A3. PD-10 (N) is not compatible with LuciPac A3.
  • Do not use this product for purposes other than hygiene.
  • It is not to be used for counting general living bacteria or detecting specific pathogens.