Enzymes for Clinical Chemistry

Enzymes for Clinical Chemistry

For Health Check and Diagnosis
Clinical Diagnostic Enzymes for Diabetes, Lipid Metabolism, Renal Function, Pancreatic Function, and Parathyroid Function etc...


Catalase (CAT)

The enzyme is useful for removal of hydrogen peroxide in clinical analysis.

Creatinase (C2-AE)

The enzyme is useful for the determination of creatinine and creatine in clinical analysis.

Creatinase (C2-AT)

The enzyme is useful for the determination of creatinine and creatine in clinical analysis.

Glucose Dehydrogenase (FADGDH-AA)

Glucose Dehydrogenase (FADGDH-AA)

FADGDH-AA is an FAD-dependent glucose dehydrogenase with low reactivity toward maltose and xylose. It has high stability and maintains its reactivity even at low temperatures.


The enzyme is useful for the determination of L-glutamine in clinical analysis.

Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH-P)

The enzyme is useful for the determination of numerous metabolites (ATP, ADP, glucose, creatinine, pyruvate,lactate and glycerol) and of enzyme activities (GPT, PK and CPK) when coupled with the related enzymes.

Urease (URE)

The enzyme is useful for the determination of urea in clinical analysis.

Uricase (U-TE)

The enzyme is useful for the determination of uric acid in clinical analysis.