One of the leading laboratory exhibitions in Asia, showcasing all laboratory equipment and instrument covering areas of Analytical & Testing, Calibration & Metrology, Clinical &Diagnostic, Environmental &Safety, and Reasearch Development. Variety of conferences and seminars are conducted to update industry news and knowledge. Business networking activities, business matching, buyer privilege program will be held along with the exhibition.
BIO ASIA PACIFIC-Life Science, Health, Technology
New leading conference and exhibition platform for Biotechnology, Life Sciences and Smart Health in Asia Pacific. Bio Asia Pacific is focusing on innovative therapeutics and healthcare services blending 21st centry Life Sciences with latest in technology. Experience thought leadership and cutting-edge products in Life Science, Bio Tech, Med Tech, Digital Health, Precision Medicine, Biopharma and Smart Health Services in an inspiring event format.
Easy Plate- Food Safety Testing Solutions
Easy Plate is a prepared media plate that enables faster and easier food microbiological testing and improves food safety. No need for media preperation or sterilization. Simple operation, reliable results (AOAC, MicroVal certified). Sample is placed onto the media and does not require a spreader. Learn more at the trade show or contact us from here for more information
MicroVal Certifies Kikkoman Biochemifa Company’s - Easy Plate|Test kit ❘ Kikkoman Biochemifa Company