ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) Have you ever had concerns about the cleanliness of your working environment, even after careful cleaning? Using visual inspection methods can be deceiving as invisible soil can remain on surfaces causing risks for bacterial contamination foodborne illness and allergen contamination in the food manufacturing industry. In addition, it represents a risk of spreading infections in medical settings and the case of cleaning. The ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) enables high-sensitive detection of such invisible soil. We can verify cleaning insufficiency, which allows subsequent soil removal and risk reduction.
Product | ATP Test (Kikkoman A3): LuciPac A3 Surface, LuciPac A3 Water, LuciPac A3 Pre-moisten |
Event date | 2024.11.06~2024.11.07 |
Venue | New Zealand, Christchurh |
Venue Information | Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre |